Need help with your personal finances?

Struggling to maintain your credit? Worrying about paying your bills? Trying to maintain your "lifestyle" while saving for homeownership?
When you enroll in our new "Commit To Six!"™ Program for Financial Management Counseling, during your private, 1-on-1 appointments with our Housing Advisors you will use FDIC's Money Smart for Adults to learn these 6 important topics:
- Banking Basics
- Credit Reports
- Credit Scores
- Debt Management
- Housing Stability
- Spending & Saving Plan (also known as "Budget")
While pursuing your short-term and long-term goals, you'll learn:

- How to save for goals and unexpected expenses (even if you're living on public benefits)
- How to create a livable and realistic budget
- Understanding credit reports & scores
- How to build a "productive" credit history
- Identifying and managing debt -and-
- How to build an effective "Action Plan" using "S.M.A.R.T." goals for all areas of your life (Specific. Measurable. Actionable. Realistic. Time-Bound.)
Our Housing Advisors are ready to guide you through every success and hurdle.
Are you ready to COMMIT? Contact Us for Financial Counseling Today.
Request Your 3 Credit Reports today!
Soft Pull From All 3 Credit Bureaus: a soft inquiry, or soft pull, is a credit report check that does not affect an individual's credit score (; Fee: $25 per Soft Pull